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Celebrating the Sacraments and other Special Rites

Holy Baptism: Baptism unites us with Christ in new and risen life, incorporates us into Christ’s living body the Church, and commissions us to share in Christ’s mission and ministry. We celebrate baptisms in the midst of the worshipping assembly on the four annual baptismal feasts: Easter (youth and adults at the Great Vigil of Easter; infants and toddlers on Easter Sunday), The Day of Pentecost, All Saints’ Sunday, and the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, and also when the Bishop visits the parish. For pastoral reasons, baptisms may be celebrated at other times. Adult and youth candidates and parents of infant candidates attend our Explore classes in preparation. Questions? Contact Father Torvend.

The Holy Eucharist: In the Eucharist, Christ makes himself present to us in the gathered assembly, in the words and images of Scripture, and in the consecrated Bread and Wine that convey to us his very life. Usually baptism into the life of Christ and the faith community precedes participation in the holy meal of the Eucharist. At the same time, anyone hungry for a deepening relationship with God in Christ and with this community of faith is welcome at the table. Questions? Contact Father Torvend.

Confirmation: In Confirmation, a baptized person makes a mature profession of commitment to Christ and the Church and is given grace and strength to live that commitment by the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. Candidates prepare at Christ Church in our Explore classes; Confirmation occurs annually at Cathedral Day during the Great Fifty Days of Easter or when the Bishop visits the parish. Questions? Contact Father Torvend.

Reception into the Episcopal Church: We welcome all who want to participate in the worship and community life of Christ Church. Persons from other Christian traditions can become members of the Episcopal Church through confirmation (see above) or reception by the bishop at Cathedral Day during the Great Fifty Days of Easter or when the bishop visits the parish. Which rite is appropriate and the preparation offered is tailored to the individual’s previous experience and occurs at Christ Church in our Explore classes. Contact Father Torvend.

Holy Matrimony: At Christ Church, weddings are celebrated for all couples who desire to be joined together by God in a holy and lifelong union of mind, body and soul. At least one of the couple must be an Episcopalian and a participant in the worship and life of Christ Church. Contact Father Torvend.

Reconciliation (Confession and Absolution)” In the Rite of Reconciliation, anyone troubled by sins can meet with a priest to confess those sins and receive assurance of God’s forgiveness and absolution. A regular practice of self-examination and confession can be an important part of one’s spiritual life and growth in Christ. Confessions are heard by appointment with one of the parish priests. Questions? Contact Father Torvend.

Anointing for Healing / Unction (Anointing for the journey into death): Anointing for healing can be part of any pastoral visit to someone who is troubled or sick. Unction, anointing for someone who is dying, may be requested when there is need. For either of these pastoral rites, contact Father Torvend.

The Rite of Burial (A Funeral): The Burial Rite is replete with signs and actions that point to the Christian expectation of eternal life in Christ; the service is an Easter liturgy characterized by joy. In the midst of the sorrow that comes from being parted by death from one we love, we rejoice in the certainty that God will raise us from death to life with Christ in the communion of all the saints. Members and relatives of members may be buried from Christ Church. It is wise and a gift to one’s family to have a funeral plan already in place. Contact Father Torvend.

Transferring Episcopal Church Membership to Christ Church: A member of another Episcopal parish can transfer her or his membership to Christ Church through a letter of transfer from the former parish. If you would like Christ Church to initiate a transfer, contact Father Torvend.

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