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Visiting Christ Church

What to wear

We have no dress code at Christ Church. We are a community that reflects, in who we are and what we wear, the great economic, social and cultural diversity of Tacoma. People arrive in jeans and fleece, business suits and dresses, and everything in between.

Over their street clothes, worship leaders wear clothing that dates from the 1st century – a visual reminder that we are part of a community that has been worshipping for close to 2000 years.

All are welcome to receive Communion

We celebrate the breaking of the bread, the Holy Eucharist, Holy Communion, the Mass – so many names for this one action – in which the wounded and risen Christ gives himself to us in the bread broken and the wine cup shared. We never question anyone or deny anyone who comes to receive what Christ gives freely in this fragment of a meal. At the same time, this practice invites us to become who Christ is for us: a servant to the poor, the outcast, and those pushed to the margins of society. If you desire to welcome this mystery into your life and the invitation it offers to be a part of this servant community, by all means come to the altar and receive the bread of heaven and the cup of salvation.

Nursery and childcare

We are eager to welcome children with their parents or other adult relatives to Christ Church.  Children are welcome to worship with their parents of guardians. At the same time, we welcome children to Godly Play, a Montessori-based form of children’s formation in faith. To join Godly Play, simple gather in the church entryway where an adult Godly Play leader will then lead children to the Godly Play room in Wells Hall. Children then join their parent/s for the Holy Communion in the church.

website by Branded Look LLC   |   photos by Winfield Giddings