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Let’s Connect


Join us for Coffee Hour after Church
Coffee Hours are each Sunday following the church service, in the courtyard or inside Wells Hall. Outdoor heaters will be in place on chilly Sundays. You are most welcome to join us!

Staying Connected 

Parish Practical Help Team: Need errands run, groceries, meals provided, medication pickup, etc.? contact Deacon Gen Grewell: ggrewell@ecww.org

Interested in Joining an Interest Group?
Looking to connect with members with similar interests to chat, share ideas, crafts, hobbies? Interest Groups currently forming are listed below. To find out more about a group or to join a group, contact the convenor by email. Groups gather by Zoom, Facetime, email, phone.

Fellowship – Virtual Coffee Hour: Mary Hanneman hannemam@gmail.com

Gardening – Tips, Trades, Troubleshooting: Vikke Pierson gr8aunt04@harbornet.com

Golf: Linda Johnson lljbrownspt@gmail.com

Jigsaw Puzzle Enthusiasts: Brianne Knudson brianneknudson@gmail.com

Journaling – Meditating, Writing and Sharing: Dennis Johnson dennisjohnson@harbornet.com

Knitting / Needlework: Pat Chen pat@tichenassociates.com

Morning / Evening Prayer: Rod Blackburn rod@rodblackburn.com

Script Reading: Susan Beer susantbeer@gmail.com

Secular Book Club: Cynthia Anthony canthiabus@gmail.com

Sewing Fabric Face Masks: Liz Johnson elizaj253@icloud.com

website by Branded Look LLC   |   photos by Winfield Giddings