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Community Life

Sunday Coffee Hour (every Sunday following the 10:30 service): A time to re-connect week by week and to welcome and host visitors and newcomers over coffee, tea, and generous refreshments. Ministry groups host the coffee hours.

Wednesday Fellowship Lunch (every Wednesday): Following the Wednesday noon Eucharist, those who are able to stay enjoy conversation over a simple provided lunch of soup or salad (and occasionally pizza).

Women’s Lunches (occasional Saturdays): Christ Church Women gather in Wells Hall to enjoy one another’s company, share a delicious meal and hear from a guest speaker on contemporary interests and concerns affecting women locally, nationally and internationally.

Saint Francis Day – Blessing of the Animals (first Sunday of October): We commemorate Saint Francis at the morning services. In the afternoon at 4:00 p.m., members, friends and neighbors bring their animal friends to the courtyard to be blessed. Humans enjoy an ice cream social; pets enjoy treats.

Altars of Remembrance (November): During the month of November, beginning on All Saints’ Sunday, we remember the saints of the church and the saints of our own lives by adorning altars in the chapel and church with photos commemorating our beloved dead.

The Greening of the Church (the fourth Sunday of Advent, after the 10:30 service): People of all ages gather to adorn the church for Christmas Celebrations while enjoying snacks and fellowship.

Shrove Tuesday Mardi Gras (Tuesday before Ash Wednesday): Pancake supper and pre-Lent party for all ages. We burn the previous year’s Palm Sunday palms to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday. With crayons, markers and stickers, we create an Alleluia Scroll with symbols of Easter, resurrection and spring. At the end of the evening, we process into the courtyard to bury the scroll in the garden – to be dug up again on Easter day.

Parish Annual Meeting (a Sunday in February): The whole community attends the 10:30 service and then gathers for brunch in Wells Hall to celebrate and give thanks for our life and ministry in the past year, share hopes for the new year, and elect members of the Vestry (the governing board) and officers.

Beginning of Summer Barbecue (Sunday before the Summer Solstice): After the 10:30 service, we enjoy a barbecue picnic in the courtyard, with burgers and veggie burgers, salads and desserts.

Newcomer Welcome Sundays (All Saints’ Sunday and The Day of Pentecost): At the time of the announcements in the 10:30 service, people new to Christ Church are invited to come forward together to be welcomed and introduced by name.

Newcomer Dessert Gatherings (quarterly): People new to the parish are invited to a small dessert party at a parishioner’s home to get to know hosts and clergy and learn about Christ Church and opportunities to participate in our life and ministry.

Ministries Supporting Our Common Life

The Facilities (Buildings and Grounds) Committee manages our buildings and campus, organizing parishioners for hands-on maintenance and repair tasks and identifying vendors for jobs requiring professional expertise. For major projects, the group engages consultants as needed, directs development of the scope of work, submission of bids, selection of contractors, and the project timeline.

The Garden Team cares for the campus grounds, designing and tending our gardens, planting, pruning, weeding, fertilizing and watering.

The Finance Committee monitors the financial status of the parish, provides financial advice to the Vestry, prepares the annual budget for the Vestry’s approval, organizes the yearly business practices review required by the diocese, and directs the work of the Sunday offering counters.

The Stewardship Team seeks to expand our understanding of stewardship as care not only for all that God has entrusted to us at Christ Church but also for all of God’s people and creation through our sharing of expertise, energy, imagination, hope, prayer, and financial resources. The Team manages the annual fall pledge campaign, legacy giving, fundraising events, and special giving opportunities for thanksgivings and memorials.

website by Branded Look LLC   |   photos by Winfield Giddings