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Morning Prayer Zoom

Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86582373597?pwd=dUdUNzVxWVZqZ2ltQ2RSQ2Fjdy9WUT09

(20-25 minutes) Prayers, Psalms, Canticles and Scriptures from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer and Enriching Our Worship. Participants share in reading the passages aloud. Each service begins and ends with a […]

Adult Formation: Anglican Spirituality in the PNW


In Fall 2022, we explored the influence of regional culture on church life in the Pacific Northwest. Indeed, portions of those presentations have informed our soon-to-be-released Parish Profile. Now we […]

Lectio Divina Zoom

Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87318276727?pwd=RDlUdGVFNEk5a1d4UFI0ajgwb3RzZz09

In this practice of meditative reflection on a passage of Scripture or other text, participants listen to a passage three times, engaging deeply with the text as its meaning unfolds […]

Morning Prayer Zoom

Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89660593062?pwd=NTFIZGpEUGQyb21qYVVma3IvVUxOQT09

(20-25 minutes) Prayers, Psalms, Canticles and Scriptures from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer and Enriching Our Worship. Participants share in reading the passages aloud. Each service begins and ends with a […]

Choir Rehearsal

Christ Church Choir rehearsal. New singers are welcome - please contact Paul Tegels for more information.

Saturday Morning Prayer

(20-25 minutes) Prayers, Psalms, Canticles and Scriptures from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer and Enriching Our Worship. Participants share in reading the passages aloud. Each service begins and ends with a […]

Wells Hall Work Party

Help us clean up Wells Hall! Sign up on Sundays to help clear out old junk, organize cupboards, clean shelves, and beautiful this wonderful space.

Holy Eucharist in the Church

310 N K St, Tacoma, WA 98403, USA

Join us for Sunday Worship at Christ Church, in person or on our livestreamed channelOur worship life unfolds in a rolling seasonal rhythm called the Church’s Year of Grace. Each […]

website by Branded Look LLC   |   photos by Winfield Giddings